White goods, also known as large, electrical, home appliances, are available in a wide variety of options. Whether it be washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators or ranges, home appliances must be more energy efficient, quieter, easier to maintain and equipped with safety and diagnostic features. Continually evolving efficiency standards challenge designers to provide safe and reliable power, as well as high performance with lower power consumption and lower bill-of-material (BOM) costs.
Increasing demand for smart appliances adds modular communication features to many home appliances. These devices can connect to the utility grid and receive signals that adjust their operation for peak-load management and lower consumer costs. Therefore, kitchen appliances need an effective way to distribute power for a wider array of functions and minimize conduction losses.
Advanced Electronics Solutions from Rogers play a major role in increasing the efficiency, performance and reliability of electric motor drives used in these applications.
Within the IGBT and MOSFET power modules, our curamik® ceramic substrates provide interconnections and cool components in smart appliances and other home and kitchen appliances. Additionally, our ROLINX® busbars distribute power within sophisticated home appliances, acting as the liaison between the source of power and capacitors, IGBTs or complete modules.